Are you claiming tax credits?

The deadline for updating tax credit applications is 31st July - and if you've been claiming working tax credits or child tax credits you need to get a shimmy on or risk losing your financial support.

With the impact of the pandemic, many more people have claimed working tax credits, alongside the various COVID financial support schemes, but the responsibility for claiming is with the claimant. It's not up to HMRC to chase people.

Get it wrong and you could not only lose your financial support, but could be subject to a fine of up to £3,000.

According to HMRC there are 300,000 people who are due to update their tax credit claims - if you're one of them don't delay or wait for a reminder from HMRC - they don't send reminders for this.

Even if your circumstances haven't changed, you still need to update your claim to confirm that.

A word about scammers

As with anything where you have to provide your personal information - and bank details - this is an area where scammers are quick to jump on the bandwagon.

It can be tempting if you get a call saying someone will sort it out for you - but don't fall for it. It's either likely to cost you money or lose you the little money you already have.

In reality, it's not difficult to update your claim and there are plenty of guides and step-by-step 'how tos' on the HMRC site. There's even an app!

Useful links

IF you or someone you know claims or thinks they should claim tax credits, these are useful places to get information and help.

HMRC guide to managing tax credits - i.e. how to register your updates.

How to calculate your tax credits

What are tax credits? This Which article is a handy guide to what tax credits are.