Thank you Ma’am

Everyone in our team at Cook & partners cannot remember a time when Queen Elizabeth was not a reassuring presence in our lives. She has been a constant beacon regardless of the political environment, the economy or the troubles the world has experienced.

We count ourselves fortunate to have been the subjects of the world's greatest statesman and diplomat. She visited more countries than any other head of state and met more of the world's population than anyone else ever has. Around one third of the British population alone has either met the Queen or been present at an event she has attended.

You don't have to be a monarchist to appreciate how much she did for our nation, selflessly and without complaint, for 70 years, despite not having been born to be Queen.

Now the crown has passed to King Charles III and we wish him well in his future reign, however long it may be.

Thank you Ma'am for your service and devotion.